
ASP.NET Core Unit Testing with FluentAssertions

by bill-s, 2021-01-20T00:17:00.833Z

Writing and releasing a bug-free software product is a goal of every software developer and one of the tools to achieve this goal is unit testing. Unfortunately, the unit test coverage is not very high in many software projects and the main reason for this low coverage is that many developers think that they are either too busy in writing business logics and can’t give enough time to unit tests or they complain that most of the time unit tests written by other developers are not easy to read. Luckily, we have a library called FluentAssertions that makes our unit test look like the sentences written in plain English which are very easy to write and read by developers. In this tutorial, I will cover different features available in the FluentAssertions library so that you can also develop robust and bug-free software.

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